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Ultrafine copper powder

Цена: 550 usd кг с НДС
OOO TD "Region-Treyd", Ltd, city Ufa, Russia, specializes on manufacture and realization UCP (ultrafine copper powder)
Chemical cleanliness UCP according to certificates Giredmet and IGAS– not less than 99,999 %
Isotope cleanliness Cu65-30,91 +-0,05 %. Cu63-69,09 +-0,05 %
Powder structure not layered
The form of particles the spherical
Class of danger «4»
The UCP of mark is made according to the requirement TY
Possibilities of our enterprise – manufacturing UCP in volume to 50 000 kg a month.
All let out production is certificated Ltd. Anserteko (IASTS Giredmet), at will of the customer certification under version IGAS Gmbh spent.
Shipment is carried out from a warehouse in Ufa in tight polyethylene containers no more than 2 kg. The UCP is stabilized in the environment of argon.
Cost for 1 kg makes 550 $. For steady customers and large wholesalers the system of discounts operates.
The scheme of workings on the terms of DDU Franko - warehouse the Buyer
27 November 2010 в 10:23
Регион-Трейд  -  объявлений:  2
Уфа, Россия
Тел: 83472412555, Осипов Алексей Евгеньевич
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