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Siberian Larch
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Greetings, we bring to your attention of delivery productions from the manufacture (wall panel, floor board, decking) from a siberian larch and pine. Also You can place with us the order for production from a siberian larch and pine (wall panel, decking, floor board etc.) Shipment - region Altay(Siberia). Are ready to discuss your offers. Regards, Kuznetsov Anton, sale manager "SibLes Co. Ltd" tel/fax ; tel mob 8 June 2010 в 23:56 |
Сибирский лес - объявлений: 4
Барнаул, Россия
Тел: +7 (3852) 2000 47, Кузнецова Светлана, директор
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ICQ:  425440543
Объявление просмотрено всего: 274 c момента обновления 8 июня 2010 просмотров: 250